Sunday, 11 March 2012

How Was It Invented: Foundation.

How was it invented: Foundation.

Who: Max Factor
When:1914 - 1937

Where: The United States

Why: Max Factor invented the pan cake make up in 1914, it was originally made and developed for film stars, the actresses were so amazed by the effects of the pan cake foundation that Max Factor was in demand for the product to be produced for their personal use.

Foundation was only available for use within the film industry but the use of this cosmetic in the general public was some what disreputable and no one had thought to try and market foundations as an everyday item.

In 1937 and in spite of economic trouble to the era, Max Factor had the product patented and so Pan Cake foundation which was the first foundation and powder in one became one of the most successful cosmetic launches and releases of all time. It was called Pan-cake makeup because of its small, flat and pan like container and from the form in how it was made.

Pan-cake was made out of Talc rather than the normal oil or wax and it was applied with a wet sponge, it was considered to be more lightweight and natural looking on the skin.

In 1940 it was estimated to be that one in three North American women wore Pan Cake. As of February 2009 the current owners Proter and Gamble announced and confirmed the original formula Max Factor developed and used himself is still sold today.
Interesting facts: In 200 B.Ancient Greek women would use white lead powder and chalk to lighten their skin. It was considered fashionable for Greek women to have a pale complexion.

Wealthy Romans favoured white lead paste that can lead to disfigurement and death.

Men also wore makeup to lighten their skin tones, they would use lead powder, chalk and creams, the creams where made out of animal fat, starch and tin oxide.

In the middle ages in Europe one of the popular powders was called Aqua Tofana it was an arsenic face powder they would go to the woman who invented it where she would then tell them to apply it to their cheeks, the women unknowingly used the product of their cheeks and died because the powder was poisonous.

During the Italian Renaissance women wore water soluble lead paint on their faces.

During the 17th century and the Elizabethan era women would wear ceruse it was a lethal mixture of vinegar and white lead, they also applied egg whites to their faces to create a shiny complexion.

Many, many men and women died from wearing lead based makeup.

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